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C&C - Education/Visa/Immigration in Canada

We provide counseling on education, immigration and life in Canada.

You can schedule a 30-minute consultation with our education and immigration consultants by accessing our consultation page via the link below.

Why Us?

Since 2008, we have focused only on Canada and equipped ourselves in this direction. Today, we are representing more than 100 universities, colleges, high schools, elementary schools, language schools, summer schools and we are sending our students to leading educational institutions.


We combine our Canadian experience and Turkish Culture to offer you the most accurate service!


We work with all of Canada's leading schools, regardless of region or city. We help you get acceptance from schools quickly while conducting a detailed program analysis and choosing the program that suits you.

Student / visitor visa,

work / residence permit, citizenship ...
We direct you to our RCIC - certified business partners in matters related to immigration and ensure you get the most accurate service.

Work / residence permit, citizenship...
We refer you to our RCIC-certified business partners for immigration-related matters and ensure that you receive the most accurate service.

We provide custodianship services to foreign students under the age of 18, a mandatory practice in Canada. We keep in contact with the students throughout the educational year and be there for their families.

Primary - middle school, high school, university, college ...

We provide one-on-one solutions for the subjects that students of all ages need support. We offer online or mutual private lessons depending on location.

University, college, high school, language school ...

We offer coaching services to students for their education and young professional lives, enable our students to get organized, and help them start life one step ahead.

After the student or family arrives in Canada, we meet them, transfer them from the airport to their accommodation or school, and ensure that they are safely placed.

School residence, private residence, hotel, apartment, house rental or sale, as well as homestay accommodation ...

We direct you to our trusted business partners for any questions you may have regarding accommodation.

If the student or family has decided to settle in Canada, we provide the orientation service required by that region. Our priority is opening an account at the bank, telephone line and public transport card ...

We recommend students to apply for health insurance for themselves and their families as well as all foreign citizens in Canada. You can contact us for the correct information and reasonable price.


Personalized according to specific service ...

It may be the education of yourself or your children,

You or your relatives who wish to come to Canada may need help with their visa application,

Health insurance may be required from the moment you set foot in Canada,

Custodianship may be requested for students under the age of 18,

Private lessons can be requested regardless of high school or university,

Coaching may be needed during undergraduate or postgraduate education,

airport transfer, accommodation, orientation ...


As a consultancy company based in Toronto and Istanbul, we support our clients on the issues listed above, and offer special services to you.

Sizi Sadece Kanada’ya Getirmiyoruz, Burada Bir Yuva da Kurmanıza Yardımcı Oluyoruz, Yönlendirmelerde Bulunuyoruz!

C&C Kanada’da Eğitim olarak, sadece eğitim ve göçmenlik süreçlerinizde değil, Kanada’da kendinizi evinizde hissetmenizi sağlamak için de yanınızdayız. Kanada’nın dört bir yanında göçmenler için sosyal yaşamı kolaylaştıran bir “Community Builder” rolü üstleniyoruz. Yeni bir ülkeye taşınmak sadece bir ev bulmak veya bir okula kayıt yaptırmakla bitmiyor; sosyal hayata adapte olmak, yeni insanlarla tanışmak, eski hobilerinize devam etmek ve yeni ilgi alanları keşfetmek de bu sürecin önemli bir parçası.

✅ Yeni topluluklar ve etkinliklerle sosyal çevrenizi genişletmenize,

✅ Hobilerinize devam etmenize ve yeni ilgi alanları keşfetmenize,

✅ Kanada’daki göçmen dostu ağlara kolayca dahil olmanıza yardımcı oluyoruz.

Kanada’da sadece bir öğrenci veya göçmen değil, bir topluluğun parçası olun!


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Happiness of our students and their families is important!

We are detail oriented ...

"I can say that everything went flawlessly and faultlessly in the Canadian journey we started with the dear C&C family, like one of my family, you have adapted me and our 2 children to life here..."


We are there for our students ...

"Fortunately, we completed the 1.5-month summer school process without any problems or doubts. The reason for this peace of mind was Mrs Çiğdem and her husband Mr Cem. They were with our son at every moment..."


The Canadian System ...

"Since the founders live in Canada and Istanbul, they are very familiar with both the Canadian and Turkish education system, so they had an intensive interview process with our son..."


Sunny day in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Beautiful night view of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Beautiful morning view of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
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