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Secondary Education in Canada

High school education in Canada typically follows a four-year program, though there are variations in some provinces. It provides students with fundamental academic knowledge while also equipping them with practical skills, career guidance, and university preparation. Students wishing to pursue high school education in Canada must complete the necessary documentation for school enrollment, and international students must obtain a student visa.

Canada is known for its high-quality education and student-centered approach. Therefore, attending high school in Canada presents a significant opportunity for students. Canadian high school education focuses on both academic and personal development, preparing students for university or career goals. Through this system, students receive a world-class education while also experiencing rich cultural and social opportunities.

Types of High Schools in Canada

High school education in Canada offers students various options, including public schools, private schools, and institutions that provide university preparation programs.

  • Public High Schools: Public high schools in Canada are accessible and relatively affordable for both local and international students. In these schools, international students study alongside Canadian peers, allowing them to improve their language skills and gain a deeper understanding of Canadian culture. Public schools generally offer a broad curriculum, enabling students to develop academically, athletically, and artistically.

  • Private High Schools: Private high schools focus on specific curricula or academic approaches, specializing in fields such as arts, sports, science, or technology to enhance students’ interests and talents. These schools often provide better facilities, smaller class sizes, personalized guidance, and a more tailored educational experience.

  • Boarding Schools: Some private high schools in Canada offer boarding school options, providing students with comprehensive academic, social, and athletic opportunities within their campuses. These schools are usually located in natural settings away from city centers and feature modern facilities such as well-equipped laboratories, fitness centers, swimming pools, tennis courts, theaters, ceramics and sculpture studios, and more. Academically, they offer innovative programs in robotics, coding, engineering, artificial intelligence applications, scientific research projects, and advanced mathematics. Boarding schools in Canada provide a secure and supportive environment, fostering students' independence and responsibility while laying a solid foundation for their future university and career goals.

  • University Preparation Programs: Some provinces in Canada offer university preparation programs designed for high school seniors or recent graduates. These programs help students strengthen their academic skills and gain a competitive advantage in the university application process. University preparation programs are available at both public and private schools, providing students with an academic foundation aligned with their career aspirations.

Additionally, the student-centered approach of Canadian educational institutions ensures that students develop the necessary skills to pursue their university or career goals effectively.

Tuition Fees for High School Education in Canada


High school education in Canada is available to students aged 13-18 and is divided into public and private schools. Public high schools are free for Canadian citizens, but international students must pay tuition fees for both public and private schools.

Tuition fees vary depending on the type of school, city, and location. Private schools generally offer more extracurricular activities and campus facilities, while public schools also provide high-quality education. Public schools are generally a more cost-effective option.

International students interested in studying high school in Canada can read our blog post “Studying High School in Canada: Best Schools and Fees”.

Average costs for high school education.

*CAD - Canadian Dollar

Requirements for High School Education in Canada

Admission requirements for high schools in Canada vary by province, depending on where a student plans to study. Therefore, conducting thorough research and directly contacting the desired school is crucial for completing the application process correctly.

Unlike Turkey, where students must take centralized exams for high school placement, Canada does not have such a requirement. Most Canadian high schools accept students without entrance exams and focus on helping them explore their interests and maximize their potential. The education system offers a diverse curriculum, including academic subjects, arts, sports, technology, and vocational skills.

The main subjects taught in Canadian high schools include mathematics, science, social sciences, physical education, arts, and technology. For students who wish to pursue specialized education in fields like sports or arts, talent assessments or portfolio submissions may be required. However, students can still enroll in public or private high schools without taking such exams.

General Admission Requirements for High School in Canada

  • Being an 8th-grade student in Turkey (some provinces accept 7th-grade students)

  • A minimum GPA of 70/100

  • Proficiency in English (some provinces accept students with no prior English knowledge)

  • Taking talent exams or submitting a portfolio for specialized programs in sports or arts

Frequently Asked Questions About Education in Canada (FAQs)

We understand that you may have many questions about high school education programs in Canada. As C&C , our expert team has compiled and answered the most frequently asked questions for you.

  • Kanada'dan alınan lise diploması ile Türkiye'de ve dünyada üniversiteye başvurabilir miyim? // Can I apply to universities in Turkey and other countries with a Canadian high school diploma?
    Evet, Kanada'dan alınan lise diploması, YÖK denkliği sayesinde Türkiye dahil olmak üzere dünyanın birçok ülkesinde tanınmaktadır. Mezunlar, bu diploma ile Kanada, Amerika, Avrupa ve Türkiye'deki üniversitelere rahatlıkla başvurabilirler. -/- Yes, a Canadian high school diploma is recognized by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in Turkey and is widely accepted worldwide. Graduates can apply to universities in Canada, the U.S., Europe, and Turkey with this diploma.
  • Kanada'da lise eğitimi güvenli midir? Konaklama seçenekleri nelerdir? // Is high school education in Canada safe? What are the accommodation options?
    Kanada, uluslararası endekslerde sürekli olarak dünyanın en güvenli ve yaşanabilir ülkeleri arasında üst sıralarda yer almaktadır. Kanada'daki liseler, öğrencilere güvenli ve destekleyici bir eğitim ortamı sunar. Konaklama için genellikle özenle seçilmiş aile yanı konaklamalar (homestay) veya okul kampüslerindeki modern yurtlar tercih edilmektedir. Kanada lise eğitiminde konaklama seçenekleri hakkında daha detaylı bilgi almak için Kanada’da Lise Okumak: En İyi Liseler ve Fiyatları başlıklı blog yazımızı inceleyebilirsiniz. -/- Canada consistently ranks among the safest and most livable countries in global indexes. High schools in Canada offer a secure and supportive learning environment. Students can choose to stay with carefully selected host families (homestay) or in modern dormitories on school campuses. For more details, check out our blog post Studying High School in Canada: Best Schools and Fees.
  • Çocuğum Kanada'da lise eğitimi alırken ebeveyn olarak ben de Kanada'da kalabilir miyim? // Can I stay in Canada while my child is studying in a Canadian high school?
    Evet, ebeveynlerden biri veya yasal vasi, öğrenci Kanada'da eğitim alırken ziyaretçi vizesi ile Kanada'da bulunma hakkına sahiptir. Bu süreçte size özel vize danışmanlığı hizmeti sunuyoruz. -/- Yes, one parent or legal guardian has the right to stay in Canada on a visitor visa while their child is studying. We offer personalized visa consultancy services to assist with this process.
  • Kanada'da lise eğitimi ücretli midir? Ücretsiz eğitim imkanı var mıdır?//Is high school education in Canada free? Are there tuition-free options?
    Evet, Kanada'da lise eğitimi uluslararası öğrenciler için ücretlidir. Ancak, Kanada'da çalışma, eğitim veya daimi oturum izni (Permanent Resident) statüsüyle bulunan bireylerin çocukları, Kanada vatandaşları gibi devlet okullarında ücretsiz lise eğitimi hakkından faydalanabilirler. -/- Yes, high school education in Canada is free for Canadian citizens and permanent residents. However, international students must pay tuition fees. Children of individuals who are working, studying, or have permanent residence status in Canada can attend public high schools for free.
  • Kanada'da lise eğitimi için burs imkanları nelerdir? // Are there scholarship opportunities for high school education in Canada?
    Kanada'da hem devlet hem de özel okullar tarafından sunulan çeşitli burs imkanları mevcuttur. Uluslararası öğrenciler için ise başarı bursları, özel yetenek bursları gibi okul bazlı burslar ve özel vakıf ve kuruluşların sunduğu burslar söz konusu olabilir. C&C Kanada’da Eğitim, Vize ve Göçmenlik olarak, öğrencilerimize burs başvuruları konusunda da rehberlik ediyoruz. Yes, various scholarships are available in Canada, including merit-based scholarships and special talent scholarships offered by public and private schools. Some foundations and organizations also provide financial aid for international students. At C&C Education Canada, we assist students in applying for scholarships.
  • Kanada'da devlet liseleri ve özel liseler arasındaki temel farklar nelerdir? Uluslararası öğrenciler için hangisi daha avantajlıdır? // What are the main differences between public and private high schools in Canada? Which is more advantageous for international students?
    Kanada'da devlet ve özel liseler arasındaki en belirgin fark maliyettir. Devlet liseleri daha ekonomiktir. Özel liseler ise, daha küçük sınıf mevcutları, daha geniş müfredat seçenekleri, daha fazla bireysel ilgi ve daha fazla ders dışı aktivite gibi imkanlar sunmaktadır. Eğitim kalitesi açısından ise her iki tür okul da yüksek standartlara sahiptir. Uluslararası öğrenciler için her iki okul türü de avantajlı olabilir, seçim öğrencinin ihtiyaçlarına, hedeflerine ve ailenin bütçesine göre değişir. C&C Kanada’da Eğitim, Vize ve Göçmenlik olarak okul seçim sürecinde kapsamlı danışmanlık hizmeti sunarak size en uygun seçeneği belirlemenize yardımcı oluyoruz. -/- The most notable difference between public and private high schools in Canada is cost. Public schools are more affordable, while private schools offer smaller class sizes, broader curricula, more individual attention, and more extracurricular activities. Both school types maintain high academic standards, and the best option depends on the student’s needs, goals, and budget. C&C Education Canada provides comprehensive guidance to help you choose the most suitable school.
  • Kanada'da lise eğitimi kaç yıldır? Farklı eyaletlerde değişiklik gösterir mi? // How long does high school education last in Canada? Does it vary by province?
    Kanada'da lise eğitimi süresi eyaletten eyalete farklılık gösterebilir. Genellikle 4 yıldır (Grade9-12), ancak Quebec (Grade7-11 ve Grade12) ve British Columbia (Grade8-12) gibi bazı eyaletlerde lise eğitimi iki bölümden oluşur ve 5 yıl sürer. -/- High school duration varies by province. Generally, it is four years (Grade 9-12). However, in Quebec (Grade 7-11 and Grade 12) and British Columbia (Grade 8-12), high school consists of two stages and lasts five years.
  • Kanada'daki liselere kabul için merkezi bir sınav uygulanıyor mu? // Is there a centralized entrance exam for high schools in Canada?
    Hayır, Kanada'daki liselere kabul için Türkiye'deki gibi merkezi bir sınav sistemi bulunmamaktadır. Kabul süreci, öğrencinin önceki okul notları, referans mektupları, niyet mektubu ve dil yeterlilik belgesi gibi kriterlere dayalı olarak değerlendirilebilmektedir. -/- No, unlike Turkey, Canada does not have a centralized high school entrance exam. Admission is typically based on previous school grades, reference letters, a statement of purpose, and English proficiency.
  • Kanada'da yatılı lise seçenekleri mevcut mu? Bu liseler kimler için uygundur? // Are boarding school options available in Canada? Who should consider them?
    Evet, Kanada'da özellikle bazı özel liseler, yatılı (boarding) eğitim seçeneği sunmaktadır. Bu okullar, öğrencilere kampüs içindeki yurtlarda, hem Kanadalı hem de uluslararası öğrencilerle birlikte yaşama ve eğitim alma imkanı sağlar. Yatılı liseler, bağımsızlık kazanmak isteyen, yoğun bir akademik ortama ve zenginleştirilmiş ders dışı aktivitelere ilgi duyan öğrenciler için idealdir. -/- Yes, some private high schools in Canada offer boarding school options, where students live on campus alongside Canadian and international peers. These schools are ideal for students seeking independence, a rigorous academic environment, and extensive extracurricular activities.
  • Kanada'da lise başvurusu yapmak için ne yapmalıyım? C&C Kanada’da Eğitim, Vize ve Göçmenlik, bana nasıl yardımcı olabilir? // How can I apply for high school in Canada? How can C&C Education Canada help me?
    Kanada'da lise başvuruları, belirli başvuru dönemlerinde, öğrencinin akademik geçmişi, dil yeterliliği ve kişisel hedefleri göz önünde bulundurularak yapılır. Doğru okul ve program seçimi, öğrencinin başarısı için kritik öneme sahiptir. C&C Kanada’da Eğitim, Vize ve Göçmenlik olarak, uzman danışmanlarımızla, başvuru sürecinin her aşamasında size rehberlik ediyoruz. Danışmanlarımızla iletişime geçerek Kanada'da lise, üniversite, dil okulu ve diğer eğitim programları hakkında detaylı bilgi alabilir, size en uygun eğitim planını oluşturabilirsiniz. -/- Applications for Canadian high schools take place during specific admission periods and are evaluated based on academic background, language proficiency, and personal goals. Choosing the right school and program is crucial for a student’s success. C&C Education Canada provides expert guidance throughout the application process. Contact us for detailed information on high school, university, language school, and other educational programs in Canada.

C&C Kanada'da Eğitim, Vize ve Göçmenlik

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