What is a Province?
The province system, which we often hear about when foreign countries are mentioned, is not used in our country, so what does province mean? Provinces are large units of government with some autonomy in terms of administration, usually administered by governors. Federal countries such as the USA, Austria and Canada are made up of provinces.

About Countries with Province Systems in the World
Large countries prefer a state system to integrate different cultures. Countries such as the United States, Australia, Austria and Canada are countries with a state system.
What is the Difference Between a Province and a Territory in Canada?
The provinces and territories of Canada are the first-level administrative divisions of Canada. Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. The difference between a province and a territory is in their governance. Regions have devolved powers through the mandate of Parliament and are administered by the federal government. Regions have less independence and less political power than states. For this reason, the territories are not equally represented in Parliament as the provinces. Provinces, on the other hand, are responsible for Canada's health care system, education, and social programs. States may be exempted from the policies of the federal government.

What are the Provinces and Territories in Canada? Things to Know About the Provinces of Canada
The heads of state of the territories are called "commissioners" and are appointed by the Federal government. Canada's 3 territories are the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon. Two territories prefer to use a consensus system of governance without political parties. In this system, each candidate runs independently in elections and the premier of the territory is elected from among the candidates.
The premiers of Canada's 10 provinces are elected in the same way as the federal prime minister. Each province has a lieutenant governor, appointed by the federal prime minister, who represents the Queen and has only symbolic powers. Most provinces have parties, which are the equivalent of parties at the federal level. But with the exception of the NDP, there is no formal link between the provincial parties and the federal level parties. Canadian provinces are Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan.
The political situation in Quebec is different from the political situation in other provinces. The main differences between the parties are separatism, represented by the Parti Québécois, and federalism, represented by the Quebec Liberal Party. In addition to these parties, there are small parties, the right-wing Quebec Democratic Party and the left-wing Union of Progressive Forces.
Provincial Populations in Canada
Canadian provincial populations;
Province | Population |
Alberta | 4.464.170 |
Britanya Kolumbiyası | 5.249.635 |
Manitoba | 1.386.333 |
Newfoundland ve Labrador | 521.758 |
Nova Scotia | 998.832 |
Prens Edward Adası | 165.936 |
Ontario | 14.915.270 |
Quebec | 8.631.147 |
Yeni Brunswick | 794.300 |
Saskatchewan | 1.180.867 |
Alberta : 4,464,170
British Columbia : 5.249.635
Manitoba : 1,386,333
Newfoundland and Labrador : 521.758
Nova Scotia : 998.832
Prince Edward Island : 165.936
Ontario : 14.915.270
Quebec : 8.631.147
New Brunswick : 794.300
Saskatchewan : 1,180,867

Canadian Provincial Capitals
Canadian provinces and capitals;
Province | Capital |
Alberta | Edmonton |
Britanya Kolumbiyası | Victoria |
Manitoba | Winnipeg |
Newfoundland ve Labrador | St. John’s |
Nova Scotia | Halifax |
Prens Edward Adası | Charlottetown |
Ontario | Toronto |
Quebec | Quebec |
Yeni Brunswick | Fredericton |
Saskatchewan | Regina |
● Alberta : Edmonton
● Britanya Kolumbiyası : Victoria
● Manitoba : Winnipeg
● Newfoundland ve Labrador : St. John’s
● Nova Scotia : Halifax
● Prens Edward Adası : Charlottetown
● Ontario : Toronto
● Quebec : Quebec
● Yeni Brunswick : Fredericton
● Saskatchewan : Regina

Canada Provincial Map
Alberta Province:The province of Alberta, established in 1905, is located in central Canada and has an area of 661,848 square kilometers. It is located in a region of grass-covered plains. There are many rivers and lakes in the province and the Rocky Mountains lie to the west. It is a valuable region for Canada's crude oil industry because one of the world's largest oil reserves is located in Fort McMurray, Alberta.
British Columbia :British Columbia, established in 1871, is a province of 944,735 square kilometers. It is the westernmost province of Canada, with a temperate climate and tourist attractions such as the Rocky Mountains and the coastal beaches of the Pacific Ocean. Its geographical features are favorable for skiing and mountain biking.
Manitoba : The province was established in 1870 and has an area of 647,797 square kilometers. The province of Manitoba is a region of high immigration. It is the northernmost province in Canada and therefore has a harsh climate. It is also known as the polar bear capital of the world.
Newfoundland and Labrador: The last of the 10 provinces, Newfoundland and Labrador is located in the easternmost part of Canada. With an area of 405,212 square kilometers, it consists of Newfoundland Island and mainland Labrador.
Nova Scotia :The province was founded in 1867 and is located in the southeast of Canada. At 55,284 square kilometers, it is the second smallest province in Canada. Industries such as fishing, mining and forestry are common in this region.
Prince Edward Island: Founded in 1873 and has an area of 5,660 square kilometers. It is the smallest province in Canada, but it also has the largest population density of the 10 provinces. Located in the east of Canada, fishing and tourism services are at the forefront.
Ontario : The province of Ontario is located in eastern Canada and covers 1,076,395 square kilometers. It is the most densely populated province in Canada due to the high level of immigration. The province has many forests and lakes, and tourism is highly developed.
Quebec :It is located in eastern Canada and is the province with the largest area. It has 1,542,056 square kilometers. It is a maple syrup production region.
New Brunswick : It is located in the east of the country, covering 72,908 square kilometers. There are many natural coastlines in the region, such as the Appalachian Mountains, Funda Bay, etc.
Saskatchewan : It is located in western Canada and central North America. It has a surface area of 651,036 square kilometers. It has natural beauties such as Purple Sand Beach, Grasslands National Park, Gem Lake, Hunt Falls. It is developed in agriculture, fishing, mining and hunting.

Nationalities Living in Canada
Canada has always had a multicultural structure when looking at the culture and history of the country. People have been tolerant and have never despised people of different nationalities.
Nationalities living in Canada;
Canadians make up 40% of the population.
The British make up about 30% of the population.
The French make up about 20-25% of the population.
Scots make up 15% of the population.
The Irish make up 13% of the population.
Germans make up about 10% of the population.
Italian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Native American, Dutch, Polish, Indian, African, Norwegian, Portuguese, Welsh, Russian and Swedish Nationalities living in Canada also include Norwegians, Norwegians, Portuguese, Portuguese, Welsh, Russians and Swedes, but in smaller percentages than other nationalities.

Must-See Provinces in Canada
Canada, located in the north of America, is among the countries that everyone should visit with its unique natural beauties.
Quebec City is bordered by Hudson Bay on the west coast, the Labrador Sea on the east coast and Greenland on the opposite coast. In this province with four different climates, wildlife, national parks and natural areas are very well protected. Vieux Quebec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, whale watching in Tadoussac, Mountain Royal, Omega Park, Montmorency Falls, Magledan Islands are some of the places you can visit.
The province of Ontario has numerous lakes and rocky areas. Forests make up 65% of this region. Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands National Park, Agawa Canyon Park, Wabakimi Provincial Park, Fathom Five National Marine Park are the main places to see.
The province of Alberta is among the provinces to visit with Banff National Park around Lake Louise, Jasper National Park, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Columbia Icefield, Lake Minnewanka where the Northern Lights can be seen.
British Columbia is a must-see Canadian province with its unique beauties such as Emerald Lake, Garibaldi Provincial Park, Stanley Park, Butchart Gardens.
Now that you understand Canada's unique provinces and territorial system, it's time to make this knowledge a part of your life. Contact us at C&C Canada Education and Immigration Consultancy and get one step closer to your new life in Canada. By contacting us, you can get detailed information about education, job opportunities, living conditions, immigration application and more. Being a part of Canada is no longer a dream! Make your dreams come true with C&C Consulting.
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